Italian Vogue Video Interview: Ubah Hassan

Ubah Hassan for Italian Vogue, ph: Steven Meisel

Ubah's video interview with Bethann Hardison can be seen at

The Somali model was launched by Ralph Lauren in 2008 and is now a promising star in the world of fashion: groomed, entertaining and totally engaging

I first learned of Ubah because she was booked to do designer Stephen Burrows's presentation and the night before, she was then confirmed to do Ralph Lauren. It was the gracious attitude of Burrrows, how happy he was for this model who left a hole in his lineup at the last minute. He expressed to me, as we scurried to find another model, "she is just so nice, Bethann".

Meeting Ubah exudes beyond "nice". She is nice. But that word nice defines many things when you speak of Ubah. She is mannered, groomed, entertaining, quick sense of wit, courteous, great body length (impressive for any designer) charming and respectful regarding the efforts of others and totally engaging. That's Ubah, all at once. You will experience it immediately.

Let me also say, my interview with Ubah was the most fun. We laughed often and talking with her I actually learned things. I love the way her mind works. I am also happy she has found solid model career representation, as it makes a huge difference for the disposition of a model in a industry, like all talent driven industries, that you need someone (your rep) having your back.

The Ralph Lauren collection presentation was the kickoff to Ubah's "now you see me" career in September 2008. Prior to that, she was featured, in the July 2008 all Black Issue of Vogue Italia and shot by Steven Meisel. The Ralph Lauren follow up to the collection showing, Ubah was then featured in his advertising campaign in January 2009. Which was amazing in its self. It was not just Ralph Lauren, it was gorgeous Ralph, inspired by North Africa, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco. When Ralph Lauren uses a model of color, i.e. Tyson Beckford, it feels bigger than life. It affects your psyche. Perhaps because I am of color, I feel that way. Especially when it is a stunning image.
Ubah was again, in Vogue Italia's January 2009 issue, shot by famed photographer Bruce Weber. That following April, she starred in a video with Iman discussing diversity and race in fashion and later don the ARISE magazine February 2009 cover.

Nice to know, that featured Ubah as Model of the Week in May 2008. And that was before things really started to happen. Discovering and introducing models is what Models.Com does. Recognizing them at every stage is what I long to do. Sharing Ubah at this moment has been a delight.

Name: Ubah Hassan.

Dream Gig: "Beauty company. Working for UN."

What's next: "Being that it's such an unpredictable business you never know but I always have hope that whatever is next it will be positive."

Personal style: "Depends on my mood. I love being comfortable."

Jewelry: "I don't wear much jewelry."

Hair: "Long or short. It depends on the job."

Fashion tip: "Dress according to your body type. Have your own style."

Favorite dress: "Simple black dress."

Favorite city: "New York. Anything is possible here."

Favorite music: "Jazz and blues; I love Michael Bublé."

Favorite food: "Rice and beans."

Favorite drink: "Coconut water."

Favorite movie:Planet Earth by Marc Daniels.

Favorite book: Eat Pray Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert. I think every women should read this book."

Favorite designers: "Valentino, Ralph Lauren, Rachel Roy - I love her clothes."

Style icon: "Queen Rania of Jordan. I admire the way she lives her life."

First thing in the morning: "Hot water and lemon."

Last thing before bed: "Ginger tea and I say a prayer."

Obsessed with: "Habanero chili."

Personal motto: "Give back. Be impeccable with your words."

Birthday: 27th August

Lives in: New York